Liggett Online can be your domain registrar. This means that we can purchase your domain name through us, whether or not you choose to host your website on our servers.
If you purchase a domain with us, we are your registrar. If you purchased it with another company, such as Dotster, GoDaddy, or Enom, for example, they are the registrar.
If you are hosting your site with us, we recommend that you also transfer your domain registration. This way, we can help you manage both aspects of your website.
In order to transfer your domain you will need to get a code from the current registrar which tells them that you, the proper owner of the domain, wishes to move to a new registrar.
Certain conditions must be met before a domain can be transferred:
- The domain must be active and registered for 60 days with the current registrar. Newly transferred domains have to wait for this 60 day period.
- Expired domains cannot be transferred. They must be renewed first with the current registrar.
If these conditions are met you can transfer your domain to Liggett Online. Follow the step-by-step guide provided in the video tutorial. Navigate to the video tutorial section, and look for Domain Management and see Preparing a Domain for Transfer video.